Časnik Obrambene obavještajne službe Ukrajine (GUR) eliminirao je ovih dana ruskog vojnika na udaljenosti od 2069 metara, što je novi rekord u nizu postignuća ukrajinskih dalekodometnih strijelaca. Donosimo više o njihovom najnovijem uspjehu, uključujući detalje o puški te streljivu kojim je neutraliziran ruski suparnik
Ukrainian sniper Lector set a new world record by eliminating an enemy soldier at a distance of 2069 meters using a Sako M10 rifle and .338 Lapua Magnum ammunition. This record surpasses the previous record held by a British sniper who achieved a kill at 2475 meters.
The key concepts highlighted in the text are:
* New Sniper Record: Lector's achievement marks a new record for both Ukraine and for the .338 Lapua Magnum caliber.
* Weapon and Ammunition:
The article details the specific weapon and ammunition used by Lector (Sako M10 rifle with .338 Lapua Magnum rounds).
* Comparison to Previous Record: The text compares Lector's feat to the previous record set by British sniper Craig Harrison, highlighting the remarkable accuracy and distance achieved.
Ukrainian sniper Lector set a new world record by eliminating an enemy soldier at a distance of 2069 meters using a Sako M10 rifle and .338 Lapua Magnum ammunition. This record surpasses the previous record held by a British sniper who achieved a kill at 2475 meters. The key concepts highlighted in the text are: * New Sniper Record: Lector's achievement marks a new record for both Ukraine and for the .338 Lapua Magnum caliber. * Weapon and Ammunition: The article details the specific weapon and ammunition used by Lector (Sako M10 rifle with .338 Lapua Magnum rounds). * Comparison to Previous Record: The text compares Lector's feat to the previous record set by British sniper Craig Harrison, highlighting the remarkable accuracy and distance achieved.